Good morning from Guam, Broncos Country!
I have a few minutes of downtime this afternoon, so I wanted to write a brief blog entry to keep you posted on our travels.
We arrived in Guam on Jan. 24 and it has been a beautiful time and a rich experience. Guam is incredibly westernized and the people, tropical nature, and tone have all been so warm and welcoming.
Yesterday was the busiest day we have had yet. We were able to spend time with the Navy and Air Force men and women. Along our visits we spent time with so many different professions — among some of the things on the agenda we saw a dog-handler demonstration, and learned a little more about the Air Force. We also toured a “Stealth” B2 bomber — an experience, we are told, that many in the military never have the opportunity to do.
We hosted a youth cheerleading clinic, performed our show, and that evening spent time with all of the men and women at a Karaoke bar on base, and sang our hearts out!! It was fun to see all of the soldiers let their guard down a little bit and enjoy good company and a lot of bad voices.
Spending time learing more about individual professions is an honor. The Air Force has one of the most thrilling playgrounds in the world, and one of the pilots said this to me, “I fly all day, I do what I love, and I will serve this country until the day I die.”
“Until the day I die” … That is a dedication that can not be put into words. That is a profession that is not designed for all, but because these individuals are offering their gifts to the world around them, we have freedom!
I will write more later. I hope all is well in Colorado.
Many Blessings!
Keela (1/29/2008)